Thursday, April 24, 2008 RBI?

The past few weeks I've been talking a lot about doing hands on things at the station, like doing my own packages and stand ups, but this week I gained sports knowledge. Sports have been a big part of my life since I was 5 years old. Since I was a girl, I couldn't play sports like football, baseball, wrestling, etc. So most of the sports knowledge I have is from the sports I have played, and I know them in and out. Sports like tennis, soccer, volleyball, and track & field. I grew up watching football with my Dad and Uncles, so I'm pretty knowledgeable when it comes to that, but softball and baseball that was a different story.

It is spring sports season and that does mean baseball and softball coverage. I guess this week was as good of a time as any to learn. I mean I do want to be a sportscaster, and baseball is America's favorite past time. Joe was the lucky guy to teach me the in and out's of baseball this week. I already knew the basics like how many innings in major league, how many strikes and balls the batter get's before they are out. Joe told me what an RBI was, there are only 7 innings in high school ball, and that a K means strike out. These are very important things to know if you want to be a sportscaster. When I would keep stats before I would just write what he told me to write. This week I was actually catching on and writing down what happened before he even told me.

When going in to this internship I thought that most of what I would learn would be technical things. Things like editing, or learning tricks of the trade. It's been more than that. I've been learning new things each and every week and this week was no different. Most of a sportscasters knowledge comes from experience of playing or watching a certain sport. I could sit down and read books on rules of sports or articles in magazines, but that just not how I learn. Joe would explain what was happening as it was taking place and I caught on right away. Baseball just wasn't something I was ever interested in, but I'm sure glad I've become more knowledgeable about it and now know what's going on a little more. This is something that can only help!

1 comment:

Brad Weaver, BC Instructor said...

I think Dr. Barner would get a kick out of reading this entry. There's a lot of learning in the doing in our domain.