Tuesday, January 29, 2008

BC Capstone & Internship @ WYTV 33

One of my first assignments for my senior capstone class was to create a blog & to write weekly posts. With this blog I would like to talk about my first hand experience with the WYTV 33 /WKBN 27 & WYFX 17-62 station merger in Youngstown Ohio. I am currently doing an internship in the sports department with Bob Hannon at WYTV 33, but all three stations share the WKBN building. This is not only a new experience to me, but to everyone who works there. Not only are anchors anchoring, but they are shooting, editing, and writing to the stories as well. They are now becoming what is known as a one man band or video journalist. I would like to one day be a sports anchor and am getting first hand experience at a station that is merged into one building with two other stations. When I first walked in to the sports department I was amazed to see four desks in one office. The wierd thing was, that besides the two sports guys who report sports for 33 there was also one from 27 & 17....all sharing one office! This is something that could happen in the near future to other stations as well.

1 comment:

Brad Weaver, BC Instructor said...

How are you doing? I haven't seen you yet? Since you already have an internship, I wasn't sure if the internship/summer job fair would offer you much.