Friday, March 7, 2008

Election Night!

Well I had an intresting offer this week, and it was one that I could not pass up! Bob called and asked me if I could come in Tuesday night instead of Monday because Monday was pretty slow and Tuesday would probably be a little more busy. I didn't think anything of it until I glanced down at my planner and saw that it was the Ohio primaries. All I kept thinking to myself was how awesome it would be if I got to do something with the news at that time because this primary was so crucial for the Democratic party. I was checking my e-mail a little later and Bob sent me an e-mail asking if I could come in until after the 11:00 news was over and help keep track of the Election results in the 4 counties they cover and I would be in the news department. This was such a great opportunity because I not only got to do something different, but I would be working with the News Director. This was a great opportunity to show him that I'm a hard and organized worker...and he would know my name!!! That's one step closer to getting my foot in the door than I was before.

I arrived there and didn't know what to expect. At first I was almost star struck because I was surrounded by such talent. All of the evening news anchors were there and I couldn't help but watch them and see what they were doing. I was surrounded by some of the people that I look up to as being great in their field. It was pretty slow at first because there was a shortage in ballots so they would not release the results until 9 PM. Once that time came around it started to pick up, and I was getting calls with the results and entering them into the computer. It wasn't as exciting as I thought it would be, but it was such a great opportunity. I got to be surrounded by the talent of the evening news anchors (all whom are very nice to me), and I got my foot in the door. When jobs are so scarce in this field you need to take whatever you can that will help these people remember your name and stand out...not every opportunity you get is going to be fun and exciting, but if it will help get your name remembered and one day get me to my dream job I will do it!!!

1 comment:

Brad Weaver, BC Instructor said...

Sounds like you could prep our newsroom for April 22.