Friday, March 28, 2008

Student Athlete...Take 2 !

So I know in my last entry I talked about being able to do my very own student athlete of the week story. Well I have some bad news to report... our footage got erased! SO it was back to square one, again! Bob called to let me know what time to come in on Wednesday and asked if I would like to go out with Bill to film this week's student athlete of the week. I was so excited, yet confused, because I though I would be working on my athlete story from last time not filming a new one. He explained what had happened and I was very anxious.

On our way there Bill explained to me that this week's athlete is not only Valedictorian of his senior class, but is also a three sport athlete. This is something very hard to come by and I was ready to hear the story behind this kid. When we arrived, they were just getting finished with practice. We set up the equipment and began asking our questions. The athlete wasn't nervous at all, more excited than anything, and we found out some interesting stuff about him. One of the most intriguing things I fould out was that for all three sports he plays, he has kept the same number all through high school. I could tell just by his responses that this kid's first priority isn't sports, but academics, and this is something hard to come across in today's society.

I just finished up working on the story, and next week i'm going to be adding my voice and editing all of the sound bites and footage that I am going to use. I'm even more excited to do this story than the last. Tune in next week, as I talk about how the final version turns out!

1 comment:

Brad Weaver, BC Instructor said...

You may be interested in checking out Pam Marlowe's blog. She's included links to her online resume and resume tape. Very interesting.